Today' date in 24-12-1999 'Indian Airline Flight 814' is hijacked in India airspace between 'Kathmandu ,Nepal' and 'Delhi' , India. The aircraft landed at 'Kandahar' in 'Afghanistan'. The incident ended on December 3, with the release of 190 survivors (one passenger is killed)

Indian Airline Flight 814 hijacked :-

 Indian Airline Flight 814 commonly known as IC 814 was an 'Indian Airline Airbus A300 ' en route from 'Tribhuvan International Airport' in 'Kathmandu, Nepal' to 'Indira  Gandhi International Airport ' in 'Delhi , India' on Friday 24, December 1999, when it was hijacked . 'Harkat-ul-Mujahideen' was accused of the hijacking with the support and active assistance from  Pakistan's

The Aircraft was hijacked by gunmen shortly after it entered indian airspace at about 17:30 IST(indian stander time). Hijackers ordered the aircraft to be flown to several location . After touching down in  'Amritsar, Lahore' and 'Dubai' , the hijackers finally forced the aircraft to land
in 'Kandahar, Afghanistan' which at the time was controlled by the 'Taliban'. 

The hijackers released 27 of 176 passengers in Dubai but fatally stabbed one and wounded               several others..!

.Demands of Hijackers :-
 The Indian Government sent in a team of negotiators , headed by Vivek Katju, to discuss the demands of the hijackers , which included the release of .

1. Maulana Masood Azhar :-

Maulana Masood Azhar :-'Maulana Masood Azhar' founded 'Jasih-e-Muhammed' in 2000 which   gained notoriety for its alleged role in  the 2001 Indian Parliament attack.!

2.Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh : -

.Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh :- Arrested in 2002 by Pakistani authorities for the abduction and Murder of 'Daniel Pearl'  Omar Saeed Sheikh , who had been  imprisoned in connection with in 1994 'Kidnappings of  Westersn tourists in Indian' went   on the murder 'Daniel Pearl' and  also allegedly played a significant  role in planning the September 11 attacks in the  'U.S'..!
3.Mushtaq Ahmed Zargar :-

.Mushtaq Ahmed Zargar :- Has played an active role since  release in traning Islamic millitants in ' Azad Kashmir'.! 

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